Business coach for women who are ready to make meaningful moves 

Spinning your wheels and feeling stuck is for the birds. And you, my friend, are a lion.

If there’s one thing I know about the business owners I get to champion, it’s this: they’re wildly capable, beyond brilliant women. But decision fatigue, feelings of overwhelm, and a lack of a solid business support system can leave even the best of us unsure of how to secure the future we’re not only thirsty for—but deeply deserving of. 

About Lisa DiBenedetto 

Tune out the chirping and chatter.

As your business coach, I’m here to take you from second-guessing and stressed-out to a place where you feel empowered to step into success. Whether it’s finally booking those higher-end weddings, growing your social media presence without wanting to pull out your hair, or getting your website to a place you’re proud of—watching your business grow is the thing I live for most in this world.

Imagine feeling ready to friggin’ roar instead—with newfound clarity and the kind of bookings you love.

Meet your business coach: Lisa DiBenedetto

As a self-made entrepreneur (who never had big money backing me), I get it: this whole “owning your own business” thing isn’t for the faint of heart. At the same time, it can be incredibly rewarding and deeply fulfilling when things start to click and you finally get unstuck.

While I now run two successful businesses, getting to that “ah-hah” place—and those “woo-hoo!” paychecks—took tons of trial-and-error and feelings of loneliness. As a born empath and natural problem-solver, I always had a desire to shorten that path for other women in the industry. 

What started over 12 years ago as hosting networking events to bring wedding pros together has since evolved into approachable, effective-as-ever, one-on-one business coaching. I’ve run my businesses through the most trying times—both personal and professional—but through it all, a commitment to hard work made my success possible. That’s what I want for you: I can’t guarantee life won’t throw you a few wild cards—but I can promise you that, with a solid work ethic and a badass business mentor on your side (oh hey, that’s me!), the future you’re dreaming of is totally within reach. 

But I also know how to get the growth.

I get the grind

In my cup: 

French Martini

In my spare time:

Cruising in classic cars

Watching you fail isn’t an option—so let’s get to it already. 

In my heart:

Bringing people together

In my portfolio:

Two booming business

or green tea with honey and a pinch of sugar when I need a caffeine boost

is what I’m most energized by…along with a girls’ spa day

and hunting for the best road-side burger with my husband

I went from charging $800 for a planning package—to becoming one of the most sought-after wedding planners in New England.

Let's connect

drop me a note

Ready to Stop Doing It Alone?